ABEN Those Kids and Their Cars!

ABEN Those Kids and Their Cars!
**Streaming Video from ABEN***

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Course Description: #98270

Course Description: One of the most pressing personal lines agents get is “What should I do with my kids?” This question brings several answers to mind, but let’s stick to insurance. This course deals with many subjects but none no important than these: "Should I take my kids off my policy and insure them under their own policy?" "Can I be legally liable for the actions of my kids?" "My kids are going away to college, what should I do?" This course is specifically designed to answer these questions and others as they relate to our personal insurance programs.

Featuring Terry L. Tadlock, CIC, CPCU, CRIS

CE: 2 hours

Start Time: 9:00 AM

6/16/2015 - 6/16/2015
Online At Your Desk,
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